The slides presented herein are the exclusive property of the Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA). Unauthorized sharing, reproduction, or distribution is prohibited.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Define the climate crisis in the context of planetary health and environmental stewardship.
Identify the medical system’s contributory role to planetary health and the paradoxical burden on the medical system
List stakeholders and allies in perioperative stewardship
List their motivations and priorities for a greener OR
Use the provided Surgical Picklist for Greener OR package to initiate conversations for knowledge translation within my community
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Identify the concept of Strategic Clinical Networks in Alberta Health Services and their role in achieving a Learning Health System.
Recognize provincial level quality improvement initiatives and success to date through the work of the Bone and Joint Health SCN.
Learn of the benefits of involving patients in quality improvement work and identify future QI initiatives including those in their home province and practice.