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COVID-19 Pandemic Podcast Series - The US Perspective

Listen to Mr Andrew Duckworth interview Professor Ken Egol about the impact COVID-19 has had in the US.
Listen to Mr Andrew Duckworth interview Professor John Skinner about the effects COVID-19 has had on the profession and cancer services.
Listen to Mr Andrew Duckworth interview Professor Geoff Bellingan about the recently released guidelines and how we might restart both urgent and planned care in the NHS.
Listen to Mr Andrew Duckworth interview Mr Ben Ollivere about the impact COVID-19 has had on the challenges faced every day, particularly in terms of trauma service delivery and training.
Listen to Mr Andrew Duckworth interview Professor Luigi Zagra about the COVID-19 pandemic in Lombardy, one of the worst affected regions in the world.
Listen to Mr Andrew Duckworth interview the President of the Association of Anaesthetists, Dr Kathleen Ferguson, gaining an insight into the pandemic from the anaesthetic perspective and discussing the recently released joint guidelines entitled 'Restarting Planned Surgery in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic'.