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Finger Extensor Tendon Mechanism: Anatomy and Pathology

This video describes the anatomy and pathology of the extensor tendon mechanism in fingers and the role of the extrinsic and intrinsic tendon systems
In this video, an arthroscopic repair of the scapholunate ligament with capsuloligamentous repair is discussed and visually explained.
In this video, the tips and tricks of performing arthroscopic assisted excision in both volar and dorsal wrist ganglions are discussed and visually explained.
This video is of a lecture on zone I-V flexor tendon repairs, WALANT, complications, and tendon reconstruction.
Drs Buterbaugh, Putnam, Fitzpartick, and Stepan debate the merits of LRTI, Suture button suspension arthroplasty, Suture suspension arthroplasty with or without an implant, and arthrodesis for management of thumb CMC arthritis
Hand Fellows from Philadelphia Hand Center, University of Colorado, Mayo Clinic, and Hospital for Special Surgery debate methods for SL reconstruction. 3 Ligament tenodesis, Reduction and Association of SL, Scapholunate internal brace 360, Swivelock SL IL Reconstruction and ANAFAB are also discussed and compared with pearls for each procedure